Congress President

Karl Schaller is Professor and chairman of the department of neurosurgery at the Geneva University Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine since 2007. He received his pregraduate training at the University of Tuebingen, Germany, andpursued his postgraduate career in academic neurosurgery in Duisburg and in Bonn, Germany. His main surgical and research interests concern neurovascular surgery, the treatment of epilepsy, and surgery of brain tumors. He receivesfunding for the development of intra-operative monitoring and imaging technology, and for clinical neurovascular research. Currently, he is serving on the editorial or advisory board of several neurosurgical and neurological journals,e.g. Acta Neurochirurgica, Neurochirurgie, Neurosurgical Review, Neurosurgery, World Neurosurgery, and others. He has a long history of commitment to the EANS – first as a trainee, then as faculty – and he chaired the individual membership committee from 2010-2014 and the Training committee from 2015-2017. He is a cofounder of the SFITS (Swiss Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery), a dedicated institute for surgical technology and training.